Eg:- Paper is manufactured from wood, sugar from sugarcane, iron and steel from iron ore and aluminium from bauxite.
Importance of Manufacturing
  1. It not only helps in modernizing agriculture but also reduce the heavy dependence of people on agricultural income by providing them jobs in secondary and tertiary sector.
  2. Industrial development is a precondition for eradication of unemployment and poverty from our country.
  3. Export of manufactured goods expands trade and commerce and brings foreign exchange.
  4. Countries that transform their raw material into wide variety of furnished goods of higher value are prosperous.
Contribution of Industry to National Economy
      Agriculture and industries move hand in hand. Ex = agro-industries in India have given a major boost to agriculture by raising its products like pumps, fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides  etc…
      In present day world of globalization, our industry needs to be more efficient and competitive.
      Our manufactured goods must be at par in quality with those in the international market. Only then we will be able to compete with international market.
      Industrial location are complex in nature and are influenced by availability of raw material, labour, capital, power and market etc.
      It is rarely possible to find all these factors at same place, so manufacturing activities tends to locate at place where all factors are present or can be arranged at lower cost.
      After an industrial activity starts, urbanization follows. Thus industrialization and urbanization go hand in hand.
      Cities provides market and services such as…banking, insurance, transport, labour…etc. to industry.
      Many industries come together to make use of the advantages offered by the urban centers known as AGGLOMERATION ECONOMIES.
      Cotton, jute, silk, woolen textiles, sugar and edible oil etc.. Such industries are based on agricultural raw materials.
Textile Industries
The textile industry occupies unique position in the Indian economy, because it contributes significantly to industrial production (14 per cent).
 Employment generation (35 million persons directly – the second largest after agriculture) and foreign exchange earnings (about 24.6 per cent). It contributes 4 per cent towards GDP.
 It is the only industry in the country, which is self-reliant and complete in the value chain i.e., from raw material to the highest value added products.
India exports yarn to Japan. Other importers of cotton goods from India are U.S.A., U.K., Russia, France, East European countries, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and African countries.
India has the second largest installed capacity of spindles in the world, next to China, at around 34 million (2003-04). Since the mid-eighties, the spinning sector has received a lot of attention.
We have a large share in the world trade of cotton yarn, accounting for one fourth of the total trade.
      Our spinning mills are competitive at the global level and capable of using all the fibres we produce.
      There are some large and modern factories in these segments, but most of the production is in fragmented small units, which cater to the local market. This mismatch is a major drawback for the industry. As a result, many of our spinners export cotton yarn while garment manufactures have to import fabric.
Why is it important for us to improve our weaving sector instead of exporting yarn in large quantities?
·         Although, we have made significant increase in the production of good quality long staple cotton the need to import is still felt.
      Power supply is erratic (Having no fixed course) and machinery needs to be upgraded in the weaving and processing sectors in particular.
      Other problems are the low output of labour and stiff competition with the synthetic fibre industry.
Jute Textiles
      India is the largest producer of raw jute and jute goods and stands at second place as an exporter after Bangladesh.
      There are about 70 jute mills in India. Most of these are located in West Bengal, mainly along the banks of the Hugli river.
      Factors responsible for their location in the Hugli basin are: proximity of the jute producing areas, inexpensive water transport, supported by a good network of railways, roadways and waterways to facilitate movement of raw material to the mills, abundant water for processing raw jute, cheap labour from West Bengal and adjoining states of Bihar, Orissa and U.P.
      The jute industry supports 2.61 lakh workers directly and another 40 lakhs small and marginal farmers who are engaged in cultivation of jute.
      Challenges faced by the industry include stiff competition in the international market from synthetic substitutes and from other competitors like Bangladesh, Brazil, Philippines, Egypt and Thailand.
      However, the internal demand has been on the increase due to the Government policy of mandatory use of jute packaging. To stimulate demand, the products need to be diversified.
      The growing global concern for environment friendly, biodegradable materials, has once again opened the opportunity for jute products. (why the internal demand of jute has been increased?)
Sugar Industry
      India stands second as a world producer of sugar but occupies the first place in the production of gur and khandsari.
      There are over 460 sugar mills in the country.
      This industry is seasonal in nature so, it is ideally suited to the cooperative sector.
      In recent years, there is a tendency for the mills to shift and concentrate in the southern and western states.
      This is because the sugarcane produced here has a higher sucrose content. The cooler climate also ensures a longer crushing season. Moreover, the cooperatives are more successful in these states.
Challenges faced by Sugar Industry
      Major challenges include the seasonal nature of the industry, old and inefficient methods of production, transport delay in reaching cane to factories and the need to maximize the use of bagasse.
Mineral Based Industries
      Industries that use minerals and metals as raw materials are called mineral based industries.
      Can you name some industries that would fall in this category?
Iron and Steel Industry
      The iron and steel Industry is the basic industry since all the other industries — heavy, medium and light, depend on it.
      Steel=Iron ore+cooking coal+limestone in ratio of 4:2:1
      Steel is needed to manufacture a variety of engineering goods, construction material, defence, medical, telephonic, scientific equipment and a variety of consumer goods.
      Production and consumption of steel is often regarded as the index of a country’s development. Iron and steel is a heavy industry because all the raw materials as well as finished goods are heavy and bulky entailing heavy transportation costs.
      Today with 32.8 million tons of steel production, India ranks ninth among the world crude steel producers. It is the largest producer of sponge iron. (direct reduce iron).
      Inspite of large quantity of production of steel, per capita consumption per annum is only 32 kg.
      There are 10 primary steel plants in India. Eg: Bokaro, Raurkela, Burnpur, Bhilai, Durgapur etc.
      SAIL is the nodal marketing agency of steel produced by public sector undertakings.
      Located in the Chotanagpur Plateau region.
      In 2004, India produced over 600 million tons of aluminium. Bauxite, the raw material used in the smelters is a very bulky, dark reddish coloured Aluminium rock. Smelting: Aluminium smelting is the second most important metallurgical industry in India. It is light, resistant to corrosion, a good conductor of heat, malleable and becomes strong when it is mixed with other metals.
      It is used to manufacture aircraft, utensils and wires.
Aluminium Smelting
      There are 8 aluminium smelting plants in India located in Orissa (Nalco and Balco), W.B., KL., U.P., Chattishgarh, M.H., and T.N.
      Regular supply of electricity and an assured source of raw material at minimum cost are the two prime factors for location of the industry.
Chemical Industries
      The Chemical industry in India is fast growing and diversifying.
       It contributes approximately 3 per cent of the GDP.
      It is the third largest in Asia and occupies the twelfth place in the world in term of its size.
      It comprises of both large and small scale manufacturing units.
      Rapid growth has been recorded in both inorganic and organic sectors.
      Inorganic chemicals: Sulphuric Acid, plastics, adhesives, paints, nitric acid, alkalies, soda ash(used to make glass, soaps and detergents, paper) etc.
      Organic chemicals include petrochemicals, which are used for manufacturing of synthetic fibers, synthetic rubber, dyes and drugs.
Fertilizer Industry
      The fertiliser industry is centred around the production of nitrogenous fertilisers (mainly urea), Phosphatic fertilisers and Ammonium phosphate (DAP) and complex fertilisers which have a combination of nitrogen (N), phosphate (P), and potash (K).
      India is the third largest producer of nitrogenous fertilizers.
      At present, there are 10 public sector undertakings and one in cooperative sector at Hazira in Guj. Under the Fertilizer Corporation of India.
      Located in Guj. U.P, T.N, PJ. and Kerala.
Cement Industry
      Cement is essential for construction activity such as building houses, factories, bridges, roads, airports, dams and for other commercial establishments. This industry requires bulky and heavy raw materials like limestone, silica, alumina and gypsum. Coal and electric power are needed apart from rail transportation.
      The first cement plant was set in Chennai in 1904.
      Exported to the Gulf countries, Africa & S.Asia.
Automobile Industry
      Automobiles provide vehicle for quick transport of good services and passengers. Trucks, buses, cars, motor cycles, scooters, three-wheelers and multi-utility vehicles.
      Located in Delhi, Gurgaon, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai,, Kolkota, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Jamshedpur and Bangalore.
Information Technology & Electronics Industry
      The electronics industry covers a wide range of products from transistor sets to television, telephones, cellular telecom, pagers, telephone exchange, radars, computers and many other equipments required by the telecommunication industry.
      Bangalore has emerged as the electronic capital of India. Other important centres for electronic goods are Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Pune, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow and Coimbatore.
      This industry has given a boost to employment generation in India.
      The continuing growth in the hardware and software is the key to the success of IT in India.
Industrial Pollution and Environmental Degradation
      Although industries contribute significantly to India’s economic growth and development, the increase in pollution of land, water, air, noise and resulting degradation of environment that they have caused, cannot be overlooked.
      Industries cause four types of pollution
Ø  Land: Land gets polluted and the quality of soil gets degraded when huge quantities of industrial wastes are dumped, rendering the soil unfertile.
Ø  Air: The emission of toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and other harmful gases from industries and vehicles causes irreparable damage to the atmosphere. The smoke emitted by factories contains small dust particles which are inhaled by human beings and can cause various pulmonary and other diseases.
Ø  Water: The industrial wastes and chemical effluents discharged into water bodies contaminate the water and make it unfit for human use.
Ø  Noise: The blaring horns of automobiles, noise of machinery in the factories and large scale construction activity creates noise pollution which causes irritation and can also lead to deafness.
Controlling Environmental Pollution
Ø  Minimising the use of water for processing by reusing and recycling it in two or more successive stages.
Ø  Rainwater harvesting for conserving water.
Ø  Treating hot water and effluents before releasing them in rivers and ponds.
Ø  Minimising the use of fuels that produce harmful gases and adopting clever fuels such as biogas and natural gas.
Ø  Establishing waste treatment and sewage treatment plants for preventing land and water pollution.
      National Thermal Power Corporation
      A Public sector undertaking (PSU)
      Estd. In 1975
      It has an ISO 14001 certification for EMS (Environment Management System)


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