Vincent M
M Vincent was born on 8 th August, 1973 in a beautiful coastal village named Adimalathura, which is situated in the south-western part of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. He is the only one son of his parents and he has three sisters. He was brought up in a traditional artisanal fishermen community. He is a post graduate in Sociology and graduate in Teacher Education specialized in Social Studies. He was a very poor scorer in English when he was in schooling. He was often proud and envy on his friends who were excellent in English. This inspired him to compile a book on English grammar "A Complete Grammar" which could be useful for high school students and degree students. He started his career as a typist at the age of 18 in the heart of the pink city of Rajasthan. After struggling a lot in his life he got an opportunity to work as a Programme Officer in an NGO named SIFFS (South Indian Federation of Fishermen Societies), in the capital city of Kerala later he promoted as Ass...