

FOREST SOCIETY AND COLONIALISM Advantages of Forest It plays a major role in improving the quality of environment, modify the local climate, controls soil erosion, regulate stream flow, support a variety of industries, provide livelihood for many communities and after opportunities for recreation. Forest adds to the floor large quantities of leaves, twigs and branches which after decomposition forms humus. It provided industrial wood, timber, fuel wood, fodder and several other minor products of great economic value. They also provide natural environment for wild life, play an important role in maintaining the life support system. It supports a large variety of flora and fauna such as in Amazon forests or in the Western Ghats. Changes in the Forest cover A lot of diversity from forest is rapidly disappearing. Between 1700 and 1995, the period of industrialization, 13.9 million of forest or 9.3% of world’s total area was cleared for industrial uses, cultivatio


DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS India is a democratic country —   Principle of democracy is that the government of the state is carried out with the co-operation & consent of the people. According to Abraham Lincoln —   Democracy means a government is elected of the people, for the people, by the people. Democracy is accountable form of Government. Why? —   Democracy improves the quality of decision making. —   Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts. —   Democracy enhances the dignity of citizens. —   Democracy is better than other forms of government because it allows us to correct its own mistakes. Rights in a democracy        Rights are claims of a person over other fellow beings, over the society and over the government. —   All have equal rights but a right is a possible for a person which should not harm or hurt others. Why do we need rights in a democracy? Rights are necessary for the every sustenance of a democracy. Rights in t


WORKING OF INSTITUTIONS Major Topics —   Office Memorandum —   Mandal Commission —   Oppositions against the Mandal Commisiion —   Political Institutions                 1. Parliament- Two Houses of Parliament                 2. Executive- Permanent and Political Executive                                                       Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers                                                       Power- Prime minister/President                 3. Judiciary- Supreme Court and High Court Main concepts Coalition Government : A government formed by an alliance of two or more political parties, usually when no single party enjoys majority support of the members in a legislature. Executive : A body of persons having authority to initiative major policies, make decisions and implement them on the basis of the constitutions and laws of the country. Government : A set of institutions that have the power to make, implement and interpret laws so a